Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Three tag.... I have to write down 3 of each: joys, fears, goals, current obsession/projects, and random facts.

3 joys: My family, my friends and the Gospel =)

3 fears: SOmething bad happening to Dallas, sharks and snakes (if they are in my dreams, they become nightmares!) 

3 goals: Finish my degree, start a family, help Dallas start his practice. 

3 current obsession/projects: Anything that Stephenie Meyers writes, she is so goood! I just finished The Host and highly recommend it! =) Number one project is to finish my online BYU ECON class which is taking me forever! and start the habit of working out again after six weeks of total laziness.

3 random facts: LOVE to dance and pretend to sing, when i was 10 years old I was in a local TV commercial in Mexico, this one is very cheesy but I like the Disney Channel, my favorite show from there is Hannah Montana haha!

I tagg Lupita, Lorena and Kristin =)

1 comment:

The Kyles said...

Abish, ya te falta poner algo en tu blog, el tag no cuenta! hahaha por cierto... solo para que sepas si Jason y yo tenemos una niƱa le vamos a poner Abish! :D tqm, hablame un dia de estos nooo!